Wednesday, March 6, 2019


The book "SOS, Help for Emotions" gives us the keys for "uprooting our irrational beliefs". Irrational beliefs and thoughts and mental distortions(as listed from Dr. David Burns in last week's blog post) keep us anxious and depressed so of course we want to uproot them and throw them out. The following chart comes out of the book written by Lynn Clark.  It shows the steps for doing the ABC Self-Analysis to help analyze what beliefs and self-talk are keeping us down.

The next chart gives the steps for disputing our beliefs, irrational thoughts and mental distortions so that we can uproot them and stop the consequences of anxiety and depression. This is actually a worksheet for you to work through.
Notice this next chart as it works through Maria's Activating event and how she disputed it.  In order for us to "uproot irrational beliefs" we have to follow these steps many times as we dispute thoughts and past paradigms that keep anxiety and depression around. These irrational thoughts and mental distortions have been accepted by us as truth and we believe them and use them daily.  This is what Satan would have us continue to do. However, if we dispute enough we finally will prefer the truth and use it to keep our moods high and joy will enter in.
 Basically we are asking ourselves concerning our thoughts "O say what is truth?"Satan is the father of all lies.  He wants us to be miserable like unto him so he wants us to feed our minds with untruths. Irrational beliefs, untrue thoughts and mental distortions can bind us with strong cords so we are tightly bound. We choose to cut the cords. As we prayerfully analyze, the Holy Ghost will help us recognize the truth. Jacob 4:13 ...for the Spirit speaketh the truth and lieth not."
Surely the truth can set us free! 

For more on Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) you might want to look at the website called "Living Life to the Full"

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