Sunday, January 27, 2019

Helpful Medical Tests to Identify Causes

Laboratory Evaluation/Tests
This list was prepared by Dr. Regina Dreuding, a much sought after doctor of Internal Medicine. I have heard that some doctors do not know how to read the test results. Therefore I suggest that you find a doctor who understands the results.
Baseline Tests:
CBC, CMP, Thyroid function testing- TSH, free T3 and free T4
Other testing based on history and symptoms:
Vitamin D 25 OH, Vitamin B12,
Vitamin B6, Glucose tolerance testing,
A1C glyc. Hgb.,
Celica panel and or deaminated gliadin antibodies,
Thyroid antibody screen, Sed rate (or CRP, ANA and RF),
Folate, RBC Magnesium, Methylmalonic acid (is B12 utilized normally?), Homocysteine.
Other Testing Available but not usually covered by insurance benefit:
Consider micronutrient analysis and fatty acid analysis and/or Amino acid Analysis and Food allergy panel
Hormonal Analysis: Estrodiol, Total Estrogens, Progesterone, Testosterone (total and free), DHEA, Cortisol
Other Testing of Potential Benefit:
Epworth score- sleep history questionnaire
Nocturnal Oximetry or sleep lab evaluation
Food Diary/Lifestyle Diary
Allergy Testing

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